What is Realistic Job Preview? - Benefits - HAYLOADED


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What is Realistic Job Preview? - Benefits

Once the organization has decided to hire employees to fill certain positions, managers need to attract applicants to those positions.

Recruiting: Is the process of attracting individuals to apply for jobs. Recruiting is usually done for specific open positions in the short-term. Sometimes managers will recruit very talented individuals as in long run for positions they may come open later. The person who are recruited by managers may come from inside or outside the organization.

Internal Recruiting is the process of attracting current employees to apply for high level jobs in the organization. Internal recruiting has advantages of being less costly than external searches. Also internal recruiting can help retain high- performing individuals who might otherwise leave if there were no advancement opportunities.

External recruiting is the process of attracting individuals from outside the organization to apply for jobs. Applicants may be attracted through a variety of sources. including newspaper advertisement, state employment agencies, private employment agencies, and current employee referrals recruiting covers a large poor of candidates than internal recruiting. There may come some problems in the process of recruiting, the economic cost of attracting the wrong person. One way to deal with this problems is through Realistic Job Preview (RJP).

The process of job analysis can aid recruitment and selection The person specification tells us about the job and also a blue print of the ideal person to do that job. It also details the personal attributes and qualities associated with successful performance the job. For example experience, technical skills, physical characteristics, health and appearance ete. Also job analysis finds out exactly what workers do and what skills or knowledge they need to succeed. Similarly, the critical incidents of the job must be observed.
Critical incidents are situations that an employee must be able to cope with if he or she is going to succeed in a particular job. The way through which these job information is passed to the applicants is the realistic job preview.


Aiding the adjustment of new employees to a job beings in the recruiting process. The potential employee is seeing a position with a company and is concerned about two things:

(1) gathering valid information about the company in order to make a good career decision,

(2) presenting himself or herself to company personnel in a way that will be attractive to them.

(Lawler, and Hackman, 1975). Unfortunately, each side feels some inherent conflict in these two sets of like motives. In attempt to appear an attractive as possible to the organization. the individual tend to bias the information they share with the organization such as that they often come across as more attractive than is actually the case. Similarly, company permit are not likely to share information that they think will discourage the applicant from accepting a job offer. The result is that each party interferes with the other party's ability to gather valid data on which to make a well-reasoned decision.

A Realistic Job Preview (RJP) is a job outline that gives applicants a real picture (with positive and negative information) about the job and the organization. (Wanous, 1973, 1980) defined realistic job preview as the process of providing accurate information to job applicants. He further explained that one of the ways to improve the match between an applicant and an organization and also improve the applicant's initial adjustment to new job is to provide the applicant with information about the job. In order words, the organization should take a unilateral step and restrict the temptation of favourably bias and information given to applicant

Realistic job previews requires that, in addition to telling applicants about the nice things a job has to offer (eg pay. benefits, opportunities for advancement), recruiters must also tell applicants about the unpleasant aspects of the job. For example, "it's not dirty and sometimes you'll have to work on weekends"


(1) Realistic Job Previews (RIPs) help individuals self select into the job on the basis of realistic information. The individual or applicant is able to decide if he or she will take up. They based on the information he/she receives from the management.

(2) Since the individual's expectations for the job are based on reality, the individuals subsequent satisfaction is enhanced and the odds of turnover are less.

(3) Without Realistic Job Previews the individual's expectations may be unrealistic, and subsequently unnet, resulting in dissatisfaction and turnover.

(4) If a staff are appointment without full knowledge of the difficulties and mistakes, or are not trained to deal with them, then ones they find out what the job really involves they are likely to join the numbers who leave within a short period of time.
  • This adds to the induction crisis' which means starting the recruitment and selection all over.
  • The staff is likely exercise loss of goodwill, and an adverse effect on their attitude, job satisfaction and performance.
According to Laurie (1999), the more information gives to applicants the more self-selection there will be. He also identified seven points which if provided applicants or staff will be ready to stay in the job and satisfied.  These points are as follows: 

(1) The person specification paints a realistic picture
(2) Neither organization or the is oversold
(3) The job and working conditions have been explained fully prior to their acceptance of the appointment.

(4) They understand exactly what will be expected of them including the difficulties and distaste of the job
(5) There personal attributes und qualities match closely those requiring for successful performance of the job and/or potential future jobs. 
(6) There is an effective induction and training programme
(7)  The process of recruitment, selection and induction engenders realistic expectations, and the development of an appoint psychological contract. 


A study of insurance agents by (Weitz 1956) showed that more applicants, but did reduce the six month staff turnover rate Hence RIPs are beneficial for deducing turnover.

Research has demonstrated positive effects in a variety of jobs and settings telephone operators Wanous (1973) Military Academic Cadets (Elgon & Secly 1973), and retail eniplovees (Dugoni & Ulgon 1981). On the other hand, there have been a number of studies in knowledge, however, non of the studies has indicated negative effects of UP's either on an organizations ability to attract qualified applicants to accepe jobs when offered or on the adjustment of new employees in their jobs it seems.


According to Schweger and Ivanceviah (1985) stress crises more from the perception which employees have on to likely changes which may result with the actual changes thermiselves. They suggest that the presentation of, a Realistic Merger Preview (RMP) is likely to be useful in enabling employees to make realistic, cognitive appraisals.

RMPs are similar to realistic job preview Wanobs (1989), in that their aim is to provide employees with clear and unambiguous picture of what they can expect the new erganization to be like.

It is recommended that ARMP is present in early stages, post merger acquisition in form of a film booklet or group presentation: The provision of RMPs and merger related communication has been demonstrated to have a significant impact of job satisfaction and employee perceptions of organization honesty, carrying and trustworthiness, compared with situations when such information was absent or minimal (Schweigor & DeMisi, 1991)


Purpose, and Functions of Trade Union

Trade union is an association of wages or salary earners formed with the objective of safeguarding and improving the Sages and employment condition of it's members and to raise members status and standard of living in the community.

Trade union vary from place to place in many countries including Nigeria. Trade union include not only workers in organization but also employers association. 

Role of Trade Union

The roles of Trade Union to their member include, economic, social, welfare, political, psychological.

(1) Provision of economic benefit to their member B such as secure good condition of service, improvement of standard of living of their member

(2) Provision of social services or benefits B such social interaction among it members, as well as given seminars, lectures, conferences and member's ceremonies.

(3) Provision of welfare services such as award of scholarship to the children of deceased as well as opening cooperative shops.

(4) Political benefit B such as forming pressure group or in some countries union can equally sponsors candidates in election.

(5) Psychological benefit such as securing job for member's. job when there is crisis.

Characteristic of Trade Union
  • There has to be statement that say this is PLC 
  • They must obtain registration.
  • They must be affiliated to a central body.
  • They make use of sanction to press for their demand 
Functions of Trade Union
  • Collective bargaining such as determining wages, hours and other conditions of employment.
  • Safeguarding members job.
  • Cooperate with employers for the sustenance of the organization.
  • Play active role in political matters.
  • Provide social services.
  • Provide friendly services like staff club
  • Provide information to their members.

Collective bargaining is a method of furthering basic union purpose which is to maintain and improve working conditions. It is a method of determining terms and conditions of employment

Collective bargaining as the process whereby two or more parties attempt to settle what each shall give and take and perform and received with a transaction between them.

In the context of industrial relation, collective bargaining is the process whereby procedure are jointly agreed and wages and conditions of employment are settled by negotiation

between employer and employee Collective bargaining may does be defined as a method of resolving conflict which is characterized by his involvement by the two opposing parties which has differences but who come together voluntarily on matter concern.

Characteristics of Bargaining Relationship 

(1) Two parties must be involved.

(2) The two parties must have conflict of interest on one or more issues, and where several issues are at stake the conflict of interest will be represented as a difference in order of importance given by the parties involved.

(3) Regardless of the existing of prior experience the parties are temporary join together in a kind of voluntary relationship.

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