How To Triple Your Sales By Creating Marketing Sequences - HAYLOADED


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How To Triple Your Sales By Creating Marketing Sequences

In my last post, I highlighted the different ways you can boost sales with condition marketing. Today, I’m going to show you how you can take this a step further with the addition of sequence marketing.
One of the biggest mistakes website owners make is showing adverts to people who no longer want to see them.
I’m not just talking about amateur bloggers, I’m talking about some of the largest websites in the world making this mistake.
Here is an example that I’m sure the majority of you have seen, if not all of you:
You subscribe for a mailing list and then you are continually shown that same email opt-in form for the list that you have already subscribe to.
This advertising is now completely wasted on you.
Not only that, but it’s a bad user experience.

And one of the biggest flaws in this, is the fact that more often than not, your subscribe box is given the best placement on your website.
So ultimately, what I’m saying is, for a lot of people, you are wasting your best advertising space, showing something that people don’t need to see anymore.
So what do you do about it?
You use WhyCompete – A brand new tool built by us, that will allow you to set conditions to determine what adverts are shown and when.
Here’s how it works:
A visitors comes to your website and they either do two things, they interact with your advert or they don’t.
If they do interact with your website, lets say they subscribe to your mailing list, this advert will now be replaced with the next advert in your sequence. If they don’t subscribe after a set amount of time or a different condition that you set, then you can start showing a different advert instead. Like I mentioned in my last post, their is little to be gained showing the same advert over and over again and expecting a user to suddenly want to click it. If one advert isn’t converting, try a different one.
Here’s a screenshot of inside Why Compete, so that you can see how we have used this to boost conversions for IncomeDiary.

The whole idea of our email list for Hayloaded is to get people to subscribe for a free video about driving traffic. Once they subscribe, they watch the video, then at the end of the video, they are offered a chance to buy a product we created which teaches our best tips.
In a marketing funnel, or what we like to call, a marketing sequence, there are a lot of steps on the path to achieving a marketing goal, giving you lots of ways to improve your conversions.
Using IncomeDiary as an example, here’s all the different type of adverts we can show to visitors:
  1. Subscribe to learn how we got 10 million readers (shown to those that have not yet subscribed)
  2. Signup for Traffic Domination training (shown to those that have subscribed but not purchased)
  3. Signup for Traffic Domination training and get $10 discount (shown to those that have subscribed, but not purchased after seeing advert 3 times)
  4. Signup for PopUp Domination webapp (shown to those that have bought Traffic Domination but not our upsell)
  5. Signup for PopUp Domination 30 day free trial (shown to those that have not bought PopUp Domination after seeing advert three times)
Let’s not forget that this example is only looking at how the sequence works if they subscribe. If someone doesn’t subscribe, we start showing an advert that takes visitors to a blog post, that helps convince them to subscribe.

Love the idea of using condition and sequence marketing on your own website?
Here are 3 more ways you can start using sequence marketing today:
1. Increasing website interaction with sequence marketing
When we launched IncomeDiary, we made $5000 in our very first month.
We did this by offering a free 7 day eCourse to creating your first profitable blog.
If we were to do this course again, we could replace our subscribe box after someone signs up, with a box that contained 7 links, one for each day of the course.
On the first day, you would see the 7 links but only the first link would be clickable.
Then as you navigate through the 7 days, day by day, the other links would become clickable.
We could even make it so after someone completed a days training, the advert link could have a line going through it.
Why would this work?
Firstly, it’s user friendly, they would be able to find all the links easily without having to find the email that it was first mentioned in.
Secondly, it would make the course more interactive.
And thirdly, users would see what was still to come, convincing them to take action, as and when they get the training. This is the key to the success of the eCourse, not just getting someone to signup but to get them to keep following along!
2. Use a two step social media subscribe box to increase shares
Most websites have a big box somewhere that advertises their Facebook page.

Why not as soon as someone clicks like, replace the Facebook box with a Facebook share box.
Here is an example of how it could be done on IncomeDiary:
Advert 1: Subscribe to our Facebook page for blog updates
Advert 2: Thanks for liking our page! Why not share our most popular post with your friends.
They already clicked like, in that very moment, they are far more likely to share a post, then at any other time, so why not make it easy for them?

3. Offer a discount for users who nearly buy something
Using WhyCompete’s sequence marketing tool, you can show adverts based on interaction with any page on your website.
I once read that only 25% of people who visit a checkout page, go ahead and complete their purchase.
Why not show an advert to the people that visit your checkout page, but don’t buy, convincing them to come back and buy.
The advert could say something like: “I saw you were interested in buying Traffic Domination, here is a $10 discount if you order in the next 24 hours”.

Or instead of that, you could even not mention that you knew they reached your order page and present your advert in a way that just seemed like great timing. “Get $10 of our Traffic Domination course if you order in the next 24 hours!”.
In closing…
Online marketing can now be customized to how someone uses your website, you no longer have to guess what may work.
So why not make it easy on yourself and signup for WhyCompete and start building your sequence today!
Using our brand new tool, you can:
  1. Customize your existing adverts.
  2. Create new adverts using our advert editor.
  3. See stats about how well your adverts are converting. (Not just your overall conversion rate but your goal conversion rate as well.)
  4. Show adverts based on how a user interacts with your website.
  5. Show different adverts to visitors from different countries.
  6. Show different adverts based on topic of a page.
  7. Let users skip to the next advert by using our ‘not interested button’.
  8. With our drag and drop editor, you can create sequences in seconds (not even minutes.)
  9. And last but not least, we have live chat. Our team’s core belief is that customer satisfaction is paramount to the success of the business. Everyone gets involved with chat, including our lead developer.

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