What is Frustration? : Simple steps to Control Anger and Frustration - HAYLOADED


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What is Frustration? : Simple steps to Control Anger and Frustration

Frustration occurs when progress toward a desired goal is blocked or delayed. A wide range of obstacles, both external and internal, can interfere with an individual's efforts to reach goal. The physical environment presents such obstacles as traffic jams, crowded lines at the super market, droughts that destroy agricultural crops, and noise that prevents concentration. The social environment presents obstacles in the form of restrictions imposed by other people, which may range from parental denials (Jane's parent insist that she is not old enough to have her own apartment) to broader problems of racial or sexual discrimination.
Sometimes the barriers to goal satisfaction stem from the individual's own limitations Physical handicaps, lack of specific abilities of inadequate self control can prevent an individual from achieving a desired goal. Not every one can become a skilled musician or pass the examinations necessary to become a physician or a lawyer If an individual sets goals beyond his or her ability, frustrations is apt to result.


A major source of frustration is conflict between two opposing motives when two motives conflict, the satisfaction of wine leads to the frustration of the other For example, a student may not be able to gain recognition as an outstanding athlete and still earn grades required to enter law school. Even when only one motive is involved Conflict may arise if the goal can be approached in several different ways.

Sometimes conflict arise between a motive and a person's internal standards rather than between two external goals. An individual sexual desires may conflict with his or her standards of acceptable social behavior.

Industrial Conflicts

It is difficult to conceptualize a society or organization in which differences do not exist among members in any group In the words of Ralph every society displaces dissentious and conflicts. at every point dissentious and conflicts.

However, we usually make the mistake of regarding all differences of opinion in industries as conflicts, we must distinguished between conflict and competition.

Competition is a desirable thing but conflict is not most of the time Competition may occur when two or more Individual strives peacefully for the control of limited resources or for some similar goals i.e, two football team may compete for the same trophy or two of more industries plants may compete peacefully for the same markets for their similar products.

It is when competition becomes destructive that it generate into conflict. In competing groups of person strive for similar goals whereas conflicts involves groups who are divided and strive for different goals.

Several factors have been identified that are fundamental properties of all conflicts situation these are:

(1) Conflicts arises from the scarcity of desired wants, but limited resources, status and power

(2) Because it is an interaction relationship, conflicts requires at least two actors who may be individuals or groups or organizations.

(3) Conflict relations always involved attempt to utilize and acquire social power.

(4) Conflicts requires interaction among actors and each actors are mutually opposed to each other.

All these properties here applicable to all forms of conflicts and we are specifically concerned with conflict in industrial sector of the economy.

Conflicts in this sector involves the two major groups concerned with productive activities. These groups are the employers and the workers.

Conflict is inevitable in a situation where human labour power being bought and sold in a transaction governed by market forces.

Since wages form a large part of production force which affect profits and profits can be raised at the cost of wages those whose interest lie in maximizing wages are in conflicts with those concerned to raise profit.

However, while conflicts is ever present in industry.


Three causes have been identified as lying at the bottom of industrial conflicts.

(1) The communicative source of stress reflects those dispute arising from a semantic difficulties, misunderstanding and noise in communicating channel Research has demonstrated that semantic difficulties arise as a result of training, selective perception and inadequate information about other unit of the organization. Uncertainty misunderstanding can lead to conflict in an industry.

(2) Personnel behavior pattern: This emphasizes the human aspect of organization A great deal of research show certain personality attitudes including high authority and high dogmatism and low self esteem Conflict also arise from organization members dissatisfaction in status hierarchy.

(3) An organization of workers faces one kind of employers in this situation there is the organization of worker which is usually a power response to management.

(4) We have organized workers in conflict with organized employer and in this case there is regulated and control conflict with each side not wanting to destroy the other.


According to Miller, strike is more or less temporary abandonment of the job by the work force of an organization with the intention of causing management to accept a particular goal. There are different model of strike: official and unofficial.

Miller and Farm, discuss the various types of strikes. These are:

(1) Economic Bargaining Type: This is usually associated with union which wants to improved the general economic position of the workers and they do this by trying to obtain specific concession from their employers, such strikes can be between management and the union. The aim of the Union is to deprive the employer the service of the worker and this is a profit making organization. Deprive the employers it profit. In this way the employers is forced to concern on the other hand the employer might use the strike to deprive the employees their income so that they would be forced to accept his terms.

(2) Agitation Strike: This type of strike is often associated with idealogical and political union. It concern not with specific employee grievances but discussing wide spread social disorder in the purpose of bringing about societal or governmental change. The strike is thus directed against the employer only incidentally. This type of strike were common during the colonial period. The trade union leaders that time use every opportunity to strike not against particular employers but against colonial system of government. 

(3) Sympathetic Strike: This could be associated with any of the above strikes, but it's own characteristics is the display of solidarity on the part of the workers in one organization to the employees of another e.g, students.

(4) Wildcat Strike: This is one of the most dramatic fem of spontaneous collective actions. This are unplanned strike where workers get the spirit of feed un like.


(1) Measure the number of strike for example in Benin, Ibadan and make comparison but there is a weakness for instance 100 strikes in a year may be less important than 5 strike, if the strike involve vital industries. If there is a strike in Kwara State Brewery it will not have much effect on NEPA. However, in effect it the workers of NEPA or petrol station should close nationwide the impact would be felt virtually by every body.

(2) By number of workers involved, the number of strike multiply by then umber of workers involved in each strike.

(3) Many days lost: Number of worker multiply by the duration of number of days lost. A strike fasting one week involving 1,000 workers is more damaging to the nation, most strike in Nigeria are always of short duration why?
  • (a) Union in Nigeria don't have strike found.
  • (b) There is in Nigeria a decree that states that "no work no pay" 
  • (c) Due to improper organization by Union
  • (d) Strategic error go to strike after pay day instead of before pay day.

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